Choose the links below for video recordings of Southern Maryland Audubon programs
How can we prevent the loss of a billion birds each year in the United States due to collisions with windows and structures? Jo Anna Lutmerding, biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Migratory Bird Program, describes what each one of us can do to help. (Live program Feb. 5, 2025
Dr. Wayne Bell of the Washington College Center for Environment and Society, takes us on a fascinating journey, showing how land. use practices have impacted the Chesapeake from pre-colonial times to the present. (Live program Dec. 4, 2024.)
Southern Maryland Audubon Vice President Ben Springer will share details of previously unknown staging areas where flocks of Common Terns rest and feed to fuel their migration flights, and the extraordinary research he helped conduct that has given scientists new insights into these long-distance fliers. (Live Program Nov. 6, 2024) Common Terns by Ben Springer.
Winter gardening can be crucial to supporting the birds, beneficial insects and the wildlife we love. Molly Moore, president of Southern Maryland Audubon, a Master Gardener and Master Naturalist, will help you prep your garden for the winter months and turn your yard or patio into a year-round bird b&b. (Live Program Oct. 2, 2024)
Learn about the latest research and conservation efforts to help the Barn Owl—one of the most vulnerable species of birds in Maryland. (Live program May 1, 2024)
Nature is WILD and sometimes competition is fierce. Kerry Wixted, amphibian and reptile and invasive species program manger for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies describes how different plants and animals procreate in odd, interesting, and sometimes deadly ways. Due to website technical difficulties please go to YouTube or Google and search “Wild Sex How Nature Does It” to view the program. (Live program April 3, 2024)
Learn how you can support the proposed Southern Maryland Woodlands National Wildlife Refuge which will protect the habitats of birds, fish and other wildlife across five counties in southern Maryland. A public comment period is open until April 22, 2024. You can submit your comments here:
An estimated 1 billion birds die every year in window collisions. Dr. Mark Southerland, director of Safe Skies Maryland, provides solutions for how you can stop bird collisions with your home windows, as well as how you can get involved in community efforts to equip public buildings with bird-safe windows. (Live program March 6, 2024)
Dr. John Marzluff, one of the nation’s leading Raven experts, discusses his fascinating research on these charismatic birds and provides insight on why we are seeing more of them in Maryland.
(Live program Feb. 7, 2024.)
The tiger salamander—which can grow up to a foot long— has been disappearing from the Delmarva wetlands in recent decades. Kevin Stohlgren, regional Heritage Program biologist for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, describes the innovative Maryland programs that are helping salamanders survive and thrive. (Live program Dec. 6, 2023) Photo by Yianni Laskaris/iNaturalist.
Warblers are some of the most illusive—but most rewarding—birds to spot. Dr. Cody Kent, assistant professor of Quantitative Vertebrate Biology at Frostburg State University shows us the science behind the survival of these tiny birds and also explains why so many of them end up in the bellies of Tiger Sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. (Live program Nov. 1, 2023) (Black-and-white Warbler by Dean Newman)
Erin Reed Miller, Bird-Friendly Communities Coordinator at Patterson Park Audubon Center in Baltimore, provides step-by-step instructions for turning a yard, patio or hell strip into an oasis for birds and wildlife with native plants. (Live program Sept. 6, 2023)
Kerry Wixted explores the world of Maryland turtles, what’s behind their decline and how you can help these amazing creatures thrive in the wild. Wixted is Amphibian & Reptile and Invasive Species Program Manager for the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies and is one of Maryland’s most popular speakers on all things nature. (Live program May 3, 2023)
Chris Eberly, one of Maryland’s leading authorities on bird migration, explores the migratory Olympians of the bird world and demonstrates how advanced technology is helping scientists unravel the mysteries of their global travels. (Live Program April 5, 2023)
Dr. Ashley Kennedy, entomologist with the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, reveals fascinating discoveries in researching the connection between birds and insects using 15,000 photographs of birds carrying insects to feed their young. The photos are extraordinary, entertaining and educational!
Meet some of our star youth birders. Learn about their amazing conservation projects, internships and artwork. Discover how the newest generation of birders are changing birding and bird conservation. (Live program held Feb. 1, 2023)
David Curson, director of Maryland bird conservation for Audubon Mid-Atlantic, shows innovative new efforts to restore Maryland’s sinking salt marshes and save the vulnerable Saltmarsh Sparrow, which needs this unique habitat to survive. (Live program held Jan. 4, 2023.)
Wildlife photographer and conservationist Dean Newman tells of his behind-the-scenes quest for the perfect bird or wildlife shot–like this amazing Bald Eagle. (Live program held Dec. 7, 2022.)
Birding author and conservationist Paul Baicich takes you on virtual tour of the fascinating birds of Cuba with tips on where to bird on the island. (Live program held Nov. 2, 2022.)
Entomologist Kenton Sumpter, Maryland Department of Agriculture, shares how scientists are tracking this invasive menace and what you should do if you find them on your trees or agricultural crops. (Live program held Oct. 5, 2022.)
Molly Moore, president of Southern Maryland Audubon and Charles County Master Gardener, guides you through a low-cost, easy way to sow native plants in winter. (Live program held Sept. 7, 2022.)
Chris Frye, chief botanist at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, highlights his research and recovery projects for the state’s rare plants. (Live program held March 2, 2022.)
Karen McDonald, an environmental educator at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in Edgewater, Maryland, shares her research findings on River Otters of the Chesapeake Bay. (Live program held February 2, 2022.)
David Moulton, a SMAS field trip leader and coordinator, describes his 18-day birding “trip of a lifetime” in the Last Frontier. (Live program held January 5, 2022.)
Dr. Sahas Barve, an evolutionary ecologist and Peter Buck Fellow at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, discusses his research on Himalayan birds and what he has learned about how they have adapted to frigid conditions. (Live program held December 1, 2021.)
Bob Long from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources describes the biology, reintroduction, and population trends of Wild Turkeys in our state. (Live program held November 3, 2021.)
Dr. Kevin Omland, Professor Biological Sciences at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, leads a discussion about the long neglected study of female bird song. Now that researchers of diverse backgrounds participate, this prejudice is changing and studies are indicating female song is much more common than previously thought. (Live program held October 6, 2021.)
Wildlife biologist Dave Ziolkowski explains how the North American Breeding Bird Survey collects data and reveals some of the survey’s findings about bird population trends. (Live program held September 1, 2021.)
Dr. Christopher Puttock, executive director and CEO of Chesapeake Natives Inc. (in Upper Marlboro, Maryland), discusses the native plants you can use to host local butterflies and moths. (Live program held May 5, 2021.)
Please report your sightings of birds courting, building nests, or feeding fledglings for the Maryland/DC Breeding Bird Atlas, a five-year research project that relies on community scientists! Project Coordinator Gabriel Foley explains how to start and how to focus efforts in year two, 2021. (Live program held April 7, 2021.)
Katie Fallon discusses the life and times of the noble Turkey Vulture, including its feeding, nesting, and roosting habits, migratory behaviors, and common misconceptions. Fallon is the author of Vulture: The Private Life of an Unloved Bird (2020, 2017) and Cerulean Blues: A Personal Search for a Vanishing Songbird (2011). She is a founder of the Avian Conservation Center of Appalachia. (Live program held March 3, 2021.)
Dr. Jodie Jawor talks about the ecology and behavior of the charistmatic Northern Cardinal, drawing on her many years of studying them. She earned her Ph.D. in biology from the University of Dayton and has worked with Northern Cardinals at various locations across the eastern United States. (Live program held February 3, 2021.)
Dr. David Curson leads a discussion about Common Terns and Black Skimmers, two species endangered in the state of Maryland. He describes a new project that provides artificial nesting sites for these beach-nesting seabirds. Since 2004 David Curson has worked as Director of Bird Conservation for Audubon Maryland-DC. (Live program held January 6, 2021.)
Dr. Gwen Brewer and George Jett discuss their fascinating safari to Ghana, West Africa. Gwen manages the science program for rare species at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and George is an avid nature photographer, formerly of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (Live program held December 2, 2020.)
Dr. Amanda Gallinat studies plants, birds, and their interactions. She discusses her research on climate change and invasive plants. How do they affect fruit availability for migratory birds in autumn? (Live program held November 4, 2020.)
Ornithologist Chris Eberly (of Maryland Bird Conservation Partnership) describes the birds of prey we can help by building nest boxes and reducing pesticide use on our farmlands. In turn, Barn Owls, American Kestrels, Northern Harriers, and Short-eared Owls can all help control pests. He also talks about another species that needs our support—the Chimney Swift. (Live program held October 7, 2020.)
Naturalist, gardener, and longtime Monarch enthusiast Mike Callahan describes the lifecycle and 2,000-mile migration of this amazing butterfly. Monarch populations have seriously declined, but you can help! Learn how. (Live program held September 24, 2020.)
Karen Brace, an expert on the Virginia Opossum, introduces the only marsupial in the USA & Canada. Special guest star is her ambassador possum, Stuart! (Live program held September 2, 2020.)