On July 13, 2019, Lynne and Tiffany manned a booth at the American Chestnut Land Trust’s summer event—Southern Maryland Nature Fest!

It was held at their lovely grounds on Double Oak Farm in Prince Frederick, Maryland. We talked with lots of visitors about native plants, bird songs & ID, and bird migration. Kids enjoyed our bird-themed tattoos! While we applied them, we talked about birds of all kinds. Parents loved our Audubon Adventures youth activity booklets, too.

The hay rides were popular, as were the gardens, music, and food truck.

The American Chestnut Land Trust offers free access to 22 miles of trails, which encompass varied habitats ideal for birding! It’s worth exploring. Also, please come out and help SMAS with festivals! They are always exciting & engaging. We have more festival invitations than we have volunteers, and we would love to spread the word more widely.