Speak up for Ospreys today!

Our Chesapeake Bay Ospreys and wildlife need your help immediately! Please take one minute to show your support for ending over-harvesting of menhaden in the Chesapeake.
Commercial menhaden fishing by the foreign company Omega Protein inside the Chesapeake Bay is threatening the primary food source for Ospreys, dolphins and other Bay wildlife.
Southern Maryland Audubon, along with other area conservation groups and sport fishers, support a rule now under consideration by the Virginia Marine Resources Commission to end or reduce commercial menhaden fishing inside the Chesapeake Bay. Virginia is currently the only state that allows commercial menhaden fishing inside the bay.
But Omega Protein apparently has organized an effort to flood the commission website with negative responses on the proposed changes.
Help counter their actions NOW! Please take one minute and register your support for this petition by going to
· Click on the flashing “In Progress”
· Fill in the online form with a short sentence which reads “I support the petition and request regulation of menhaden to protect the Bay.“
Please hurry! Public comment closes on Feb. 3.
Let’s flood the petition with support from you and your organizations’ membership and end over-harvesting of Atlantic menhaden in the Chesapeake Bay.