What’s the winter finch forecast? Check out the new edition of our Osprey newsletter to learn how the natural food supplies of your favorite finches will affect their appearances at your feeders this winter.
The handsome Evening Grosbeak may be moving farther south than usual because of outbreaks of spruce budworm in Ontario and Quebec that are depleting their favorite food source. If you are looking to attract them to your yard, they prefer black oil sunflower seeds on platform feeders. We also have the forecasts and feeder preferences for the Red-breasted Nuthatch, Red Crossbill, Purple Finch, and many others. In this edition you can also explore the latest technology for tracking bird migrations, the exciting activities of our Southern Maryland Youth Birders, and the field trips and special presentations we’re hosting throughout the fall.
Read it all at www.somdaudubon.org/about-us/osprey-newsletter-2/.
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