Sharing the joy of birds since 1971

Now accepting applications for scholarships to Audubon Hog Island Nature Camp in Maine

For this year’s camp dates and more information on the application process, click here.

  • Mountains to Sea Birding for Teens: For teens aged 14-17
  • Field Ornithology: For other adults (18+) with an interest in bird watching, environmental or nature studies

The scholarships cover tuition, room, and board. Scholarship recipients can apply for a stipend to help offset travel costs. For details about each camp, go to the Audubon Hog Island website at


Birders Field Ornithology, for adults (18+) June 15 – June 20

Teens Mountains to Sea Birding for Teens(ages 14-17)June 29 – July 4

Applicants must be residents of Southern Maryland. To apply please send a one page letter explaining:

How will you benefit from the Hog Island opportunity?

How will you use the experience and knowledge to benefit others in Southern Maryland and support the SMAS mission?

Your signed letter must include: Mailing Address

Email Address

Phone Number

Age for teen applicants

One or more signed letters of recommendation describing your interests, abilities, and how the experience will benefit either your organization or the SMAS mission.

Please also submit a recent photograph of applicant.

Scholarship recipients must submit a written article for our Osprey newsletter about their experience by August 5, 2025, and possibly a brief presentation at one of the Monthly Meeting Programs for 2025 – 2026.

Please send applications to:

Annette Cook

Scholarship & Education Committee Chair Southern Maryland Audubon Society

(Photo by 2024 scholarship recipient Pam Brumbley)

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